Sunday, November 27, 2011

Christmas already?

Hey everybody! Hope your thanksgiving was good. It's just about that time for christmas music :O I don't know about you, but doesn't it a seem a little early. Busch Gardens Europe in Williamsburg Virginia just opened for their second annual Christmas town. It's really neat, you get to walk through all the different countries and see what Christmas would be like there. It's everything BG is over the summer, but all the decorations are changed for Christmas time, it's so pretty and I definitely recommend going, or trying another theme park Christmas event. What do you normally go to get ready for Christmas?

Friday, November 18, 2011

Warm picture for cold weather

It's been so long since I've posted, I've been so busy with school and what not. The weather here is so much colder lately :( It was 28 degrees this morning when I walked to the bus stop... I'm not enjoying that. I know i've posted these pics before but I needed something to remind me of warmer times :)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMY!!! (Don't worry I won't tell the world your age)
I know I can be a pain at times, well... a lot of the time, yet you deal with me anyway (: I love you so much mommy, Happy Birthday!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Sunday, October 9, 2011

What's up with that..

I've been trying to post a cliche fall post lately, that I was kind of reluctant to post because it's so cliche. They were just a few pictures of our trip to the farm and the pumpkin patch, however, for some reason blogger won't let me post my pictures, it keeps saying bad request and won't go through. Does anybody know why this is? It's very frustrating

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Schools in... ew.

So i know a couple of you asked when school would finally be starting for me. It was canceled the first day because of hurricane Irene. We ended up going in the next day the 30th. It was a little confusing, but i'm officially a senior. I feel so old. I don't have any pics for you this week, I ended up getting a new laptop and have been way to busy to upload old pics or take new ones, i'm sorry bloggy buddies :0 Hopefully posting some this week :)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Closed before we even started

We were recently hit with hurricane Irene. It didn't seem that bad to me, we lost power for 2 hours early on but other than that no real damage around our house. Heard there were huge trees downed farther up the road. The first day of school was supposed to be tomorrow... that got changed :O Did the hurricane do any damage to you?

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

It's shaking in Maryland

I'm sure most of you heard about or maybe even felt the east coast earthquake yesterday (8/23/11). We definitely felt it here. At first we thought it was really strong wind. Then we looked out the window and it was calm as could be. Then it happened again about 20 to 30 seconds after the first shaking. I coulda sworn the house was about to collapse. After running to the basement, then realizing what it really was, we ran outside still not totally sure what was going on. Our neighbors were all outside, so we figured out it was definitely an earthquake. After waiting around outside for a while, we went back inside and checked for damage. None with us, but I know some neighbors had a lot of damage. While checking the water heater in the basement, my mom found a snake! Eeek! I HATE snakes! Had the neighbor remove it for us. Did any of you feel the earth quake? What were your experiences?

Friday, August 19, 2011

Summer Vacation (:

We haven't been much of anywhere this summer because of our big Florida vacation in May. School starts back up on the 29th (ick) so we're taking a bit of vacation now before that happens. We left Sunday morning for church and continued from there to my grandpas in VA beach. Then Tuesday morning we left VA for North Carolina. Made some stops along the coast and spent the night in Cape Hatteras. Now we're with family near Wilmington until tomorrow when we go back to VA for a couple days. Here are some pictures from the drive down here I'll have more for you later.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Meet Cora!

This is my baby cousin Cora, isn't she adorable?

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Crazy 88

Back in July I started taking Muay Thai and Jiu Jitsu classes at a studio called crazy 88. Mom was a little unsure with the name and all, but hey they had a free 30 day trial. I started taking a women only Muay Thai class with my best friend. I really liked it, it's a good work out and a lot of fun to get aggression out. Muay Thai is kind of like mixed martial arts, there's a lot of moves with elbows, punches, blocks, etc. It's a lot to learn and i'm still not very good but it's a lot of fun and I always leave feeling like I got some good exercise in. Now I've only gone to 3 jiu jitsu classes. I take one class a week and i'm really loving this class. It's mainly wrestling and I always leave this class feeling like I accomplished something, probably because I actually get to spar and pin people though mostly I'm trying to unpin myself, hopefully I'll get a lot better. If you're looking for a fun way to get some exercise or even just self defense I'd definitely recommend getting involved with martial arts in one way or another. If you leave near the Baltimore area i'd also definitely recommend Crazy 88. The people are really friendly and helpful. (: I don't have any pictures yet but i'll try to get some soon

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Friday, July 29, 2011

Delaware Trip

Last week my parents took me and my bestest buddy Feather up to Delaware. Why? Well to go to the Delaware state fair. There's just something about a good fair. That's not the only reason we went though. One of my favorite bands, Three Days Grace, was performing so of course while my parents spent some time on the Ferris Wheel and goofing off as old people do for 3 hours. We got our share of screaming and jumping around at the concert. My laptop was recently murdered so here are some pictures and videos I stole from my best friend (: Have a grrreat weekend

Sunday, July 17, 2011


I've finally got some pics for you all! :D I didn't find my USB cable but I found one that fits my camera. Here's a few pictures I thought turned out kind of cool. Let me know what you think? I'm always looking for advice.